If you would like to submit a request for quotation, please fill out the contact form below or email us at inquiry@sjdist.com Thank you for your interest in San Jose Distribution Services. We look forward to providing solutions for your warehousing and distribution needs.
Our address (click for a map):
2055 South Seventh St. Suite A, San Jose, CA 95112
Our driveway is located on South 7th St in between Phelan Ave and Tully Rd, next to the UPS building.
Office Number: 408 510-5830 for dispatch and inquiry@sjdist.com for warehousing inquiries
Office Hours: 8 a.m to 5 p.m Monday-Friday. Closed from 12 p.m to 1 p.m for lunch.
Breaks are observed daily from 10:00-10:15 am and 3:00-3:15 pm
Receiving Hours: 8 a.m-11:30 a.m Monday-Friday. Please call dispatch at 408 510-5830 to schedule an appointment.
Please follow link for our > Holiday Schedule <
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